599290 Player // 2134 Online // 46718776 Battles

Battle of Heroes - The King’s Tournament - Information

Published on January 19th, 2025

Registration & Rewards

The registration fee is 1000 diamonds.

Every participant will receive a treasure chest with a key at the start of the next season. Additionally, the top 3 will be rewarded with an exclusive, cross-season pet.

The first-place winner will also receive the prestigious title for the next season: "The First Knight of the Kingdom," recognizing their outstanding performance.

The exclusive pet is not only a loyal companion but also gathers resources, providing a strategic advantage. As the pet is soulbound, it remains permanently with the player and requires regular care to fully utilize its abilities. In the future, the pet's abilities are planned to be further expanded, offering even more strategic opportunities.

The top 3 winners of the tournament will be excluded from all future King’s Tournaments. This ensures that each season gives new and ambitious participants the chance to rise to the top and win the coveted prizes.

Tournament Mechanics

The King’s Tournament is based on a fair and active game system, rewarding only those who actively participate. Points can only be earned through attacks and victories. Inactive players will not earn points and risk being overtaken in the rankings by more active participants.

All bonus attributes are disabled to ensure equal chances for all participants. Battles rely solely on tactics, strategy, and the courage of the knight.

The point system is dynamic, balancing large point differences between opponents to ensure an exciting and balanced tournament. Players who engage actively have the opportunity to climb the rankings and emerge as one of the best.

Depending on their placement, players will receive a customized number of order points, which can significantly influence the order rankings at the end of the season.

The King’s Tournament will begin in February 2025, shortly before the end of the season.
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The winning guild is determined

Knights games

Winners ceremony!

The knights games are over. With 5087871 points, the guild "The Warriors of the Holy Cross" has won this week. But next weekend, your knight will be able to compete in this contest again. Which guild will then collect the most glory points and fight their way to first place?

Which order will be the winner?

Which order will be the winner?


1. The Lazarus Order: 70.8m
2. The Meridian Order: 68.7m
3. The Merciful: 65.8m

There are still 12 days and 17 hours left in this season.

Top donors

Gold pieces
The MercifulMarcus: 4m
The Meridian OrderDrake: 4m
The Lazarus OrderOl Blue: 3.9m
The MercifulInka hüter der flammen: 3.8m
The MercifulJason strong: 3.8m
The Meridian OrderAphrodite: 80.2k
The Meridian OrderMärchenprinz: 64.5k
The Lazarus OrderRoter Austral: 62.5k
The Meridian OrderBruder: 52.9k
The Meridian OrderBlueberry wine: 50.7k

(k) = thousand, (m) = million, (b) = billion
Dark Forest

The hunt begins!

Dark Forest

The Royal Hunting Company has sent out a report about evil orcs in enormous numbers taking over the lush forest and turning it murky and dark. Get your warrior into the Dark Forest and help drive the orcs from our great realm.

The Orc King still has 86.91 percent of his health points left. The bounty on his head is currently 350 diamonds.