81348 Player // 1732 Online // 61971399 Battles

Device notifications

Published on July 14th, 2024 at 7:56:26 PM

The system for device notifications has been redeveloped and should now ensure a more stable overall performance. Previously, this process caused a high load on the servers and occasionally overloaded them. Please check if everything works as usual when you have device notifications enabled. Thank you.
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Combat divisions evaluation

Classification of the combat divisions

Combat divisions

The Kings servants are assessing the activity of all knights and are dividing them into different combat divisions.

Which order will be the winner?

Which order will be the winner?


1. The Meridian Order: 116642173
2. The Merciful: 115192834
3. The Lazarus Order: 94954798

There are still 78 days left in this season.

Top donors

Gold pieces
The MercifulRoter Austral: 200.7m
The Meridian OrderPetrus der erste: 64.4m
The MercifulDrew mcintyre: 47.6m
The MercifulBuzzard: 44.9m
The Meridian OrderThe Fiend: 43.5m
The MercifulBruder: 238.9k
The Meridian OrderCasana: 169.3k
The Lazarus OrderBitty pretty kitty: 155.9k
The Meridian OrderAdelbert: 135.7k
The Lazarus OrderBenedict: 134.4k

(k) = thousand, (m) = million, (b) = billion
Dark Forest

The hunt begins!

Dark Forest

The Royal Hunting Company has sent out a report about evil orcs in enormous numbers taking over the lush forest and turning it murky and dark. Get your warrior into the Dark Forest and help drive the orcs from our great realm.

The Orc King still has 55.83 percent of his health points left. The bounty on his head is currently 650 diamonds.